Atlantic Mackerel
Scomber scombrus
Latin Name: Scomber scombrus
Family: Scombridae
Fishing Location: FAO 27 – North Spain
Catching Season: February - Abril
Catching Method: Long-Lining, Purse seining, Trawling
Freezing Method: Block Frozen, Brine Frozen
W/R - Whole Round
W/G - Whole Gutted
HG+T - Headed Gutted + Tailed
Butterfly Fillets / Flaps
Mackerel Heads
Size: W/R: 2/3 (330-500grs), 3/4 (250-330grs), 4+ -250grs)
Butterfly Fillets: from raw whole fish 3/4 or 4/5 pieces/kg
Headed Gutted: from raw whole fish 2/3 or 3/4 pieces/kg
Whole Gutted: from raw whole fish 3/5 or 5/7 pieces/kg
The Mackerel is one of the most popular specie of the Atlantic ocean. The Atlantic Mackerel overwinters in deeper waters and moves closer to shore in spring. A medium-sized female has between 300 000 and 400 000 eggs per season and increases with size, spawning occurs in batches and maturity is at an age of 2 or 3 years. The maximum lenght is 50cm. Juvenile Atlantic mackerel feed on zooplankton, small fish and crustaceans. Mature mackerels are caught by tunas, sharks and dolphins. The Atlantic Mackerel is schooling pelagic specie with very high content of Omega 3.
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United Kingdom: Atlantic Mackerel
Spain: Verdel , Caballa
France: maquereau commun , maquereau
Germany: Makrele , Gemeine Makrele
Portugal: Sarda
Poland: Makrela
Canada: Mackerel , Maquereau
Denmark: Almindelige , Makrel
Egypt: Scomber
Finland: Makrilli
Greece: Scoubri
Iceland: Makrill
Italy: Lacerto , Macarello , Sgombro
Malta: Pizzintun
Monaco: Cugüu
Morocco: Kabaila
Netherlands: Gewone makreel , Makreel
Norway: Makrell
Romania: Macrou
Sweden: Makril
Tunisia: Sqoumri
USA: Atlantic mackerel
Russia: Atlanticheskaya skumbriya , Skumbriy