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Ruvettus pretiosus
Latin Name: Ruvettus pretiosus
Family: Gempylidae
Fishing Location: FAO 21
Main Production Method: Wild-caught
United Kingdom: Oilfish , Escolar , Snake mackerel
Spain: Escolar
France: Escolier , rouvet
Germany: Ölfisch
Portugal: Escolar , peixe chocolate , peixe escolar , anchova negra
Poland: Ryba maślana - kostropak
Cyprus: τσιρίτζι
Croatia: ljuskotrn
Denmark: Oliefisk
Ireland: Oilfish
Italy: Tirsite , Ruvetto
Lithuania: taukinė skumbrė
The Netherlands: Olievis
Sweden: Ruvett , Oljefisk
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