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Latin Name: Mullus barbatus / Pseudupeneus prayensis
Family: Mullidae
Fishing Location: FAO 34
Packing: Carton and polibag
Caching Method: Exctractive fishing
Freezing Method: Block frozen, Air Blast
Form: Whole Round
Origin: Spain, Senegal
Red mullet 2
Red mullet 1
Red mullet 3
United Kingdom: Red Mullet
Spain: Salmonete
France: Rouget-barbet de vase , rouget-barbet
Germany: Meerbarbe
Portugal: Salmonete
Poland: Barbata
Austria: Meerbarbe
Belgium: Rouget-barbet , Zeebarbeel
Cyprus: μπαρμπούνι Σενεγάλης
Denmark: Vestafrikansk mulle
Slovenia: zahodnoafriški bradač
Greece: Ψευδομπάρμπουνο Σενεγάλης
Hungary: nyugat-afrikai kecskehal
Italy: Triglia atlantica
The Netherlands: West Afrikaanse rode mul
Romania: Barbun de Atlantic
Sweden: Västafrikansk mulle
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