Red Tuna (Yellowfin)
with Antioxidant
Thunnus albacares
Latin Name: Thunnus albacares
Family: Scombridae
Fishing Location: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean
Caching Method: Exctractive fishing
Quality: -20C, Sashimi AAA, K1
Loins 100% clean - Raw
Loins with blood trace - Raw
Steak (100% clean / blood trace on) - Raw
United Kingdom: Red Tuna Antioxidant
Spain: Atun con antioxidante
France: Albacore , Thon jaune
Germany: Gelbflossen-Thun , Thunfisch
Portugal: Atum-albacora , Galha a ré , Galha amarela
Poland: Tuńczyk żółtopłetwy polędwica
Austria: Gelbflossen-Thun , Thunfisch
Belgium: Thon , Thon a nageoires jaunes
Cyprus: κιτρινόπτερος τόνος
Croatia: žutoperajna tuna
Denmark: Gulfinnet tun
Slovakia: Tuniak žltoplutvý
Slovenia: rumenoplavuti tun
Estonia: Kulduim-tuun
Finland: Keltaevätonnikala
Hungary: sárgaúszójú tonhal
Ireland: Yellowfin tuna , Tunnin Bui
Italy: Tonno a pinne gialle
Letonia: Tunzivs, dzeltenspuru
Lithuania: gelsvauodegis tunas
The Netherlands: Geelvin tonijn
Romania: Albacora , ton
Sweden: Gulfenad tonfisk
India: Howalla , Kelawalla (Sinhalese)
Japan: Hatsu, Kihada , Kimeji (young), Kiwada
Martinique: Z'aile jaune
Pacific Islands Trust Territories: Tkuu
Philippines: Albaeora , Badla-an , Buys,
Tambakol -
Senegal: Doullou-doullou, Thon a nageoires jaunes
USA: Yellowfin tuna
Hawaii: 'Ahi
Russia: Albacor , Zheltoperyj tunets
Vietnam: Ca bo Vang
Greece: Τόνος κίτρινος